Veterinary Hospital, Pet Boarding, Dog Daycare

Veterinary Hospital, Pet Boarding, Dog Daycare

We specialize in caring for dogs, cats, and small animals.
We focus on client education and preventive medicine for pets of all ages.

Back Pain In Dogs

I wanted to share some information with you about Intervertebral Disk Disease in dogs.  The disease can occur in cats, but it is more common in dogs.  I recently attended a lecture on this topic and wanted to summarize some key points for you.  First, this disease is most common in dog breeds that have long backs.  Namely, Daschshunds but also Beagles, Corgis, Basset Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, and others.  These breeds have a genetic predisposition to developing disk herniation, but it can also occur after trauma such as a car accident.  Disk herniation is literally movement of the intervertebral disk into the space normally occupied by the spinal cord.  The disk normally serves as a  cushion between the vertebrae, but it can move upwards and impinge on the spinal cord with this disease.  When the disk herniates in the mid to lower back it can cause paralysis and/or the inability to properly urinate and defecate.  If the disk herniates in the neck, it can cause neck pain, lameness in a front leg, or even paralysis of all four limbs.  The herniation can occur suddenly, or can happen slowly over a long period of time.  Definitive diagnosis frequently requires specialized imaging.
The key point to remember is that if your dog is experiencing neck or back pain, this can be a significant medical problem.  Furthermore, if your pet is losing the ability to move his or her legs or is paralyzed, this is a medical emergency.  This condition is one of the few that I have experienced dogs' vocalizing in pain.  Besides vocalization, dogs will demonstrate pain when certain spots on the back or neck are touched, they sometimes cannot feel sensations such as pinching of the toes, and they can experience wobbling of the limbs, crossing the feet, or the inability to stand.  With paralysis comes the question of whether or not to move forward with back surgery.  This can be an expensive proposition and the cost alone is frequently the determining factor in the pet's treatment.  If you are worried about this disease or suspect that your dog may be predisposed, please consider purchasing a pet insurance policy.  I have met many beloved family pets who's treatment decision would have been different if an insurance policy had been in place.  Keep in mind that your vet will work with any pet insurance company you choose.  Please ask your vet if you would like to learn more.

Dr. Amy Hellard
West Chester Veterinary Care (WCVC)

Winterize your outdoor cat!

I have been thinking recently of things that often get missed.  This discussion on feline preventative medicine is long overdue.  I mentioned to a group recently that they should not forget to "winterize" their outdoor cats and they got a chuckle out of that.  Let me explain what I meant.  I am talking to two different types of people - they are cat owners and cat caretakers.  There are many people who care for outdoor cats who are reluctant to take that final step and admit they are the primary caretaker for the cat.  There are plenty of neighborhood cats that fit this picture - they are outdoors all year round and several people share the responsibility of feeding them.  However, there is usually one person to whom that responsibility primarily falls and this is the person that is actually the owner of the cat, whether they would like to admit it, or not.  So face it, you own a cat.  Now read on to see how to better care for that cat.  I know you care - you keep feeding it!  
Cats that are outdoors for ANY length of time during the day should be protected against all they face while they are outside.  First there are parasites.  External parasites include fleas, lice, and mites.  Internal parasites include roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, heartworms, and coccidia.  Next there are viruses such as Panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, leukemia, FIV, and rabies.  Finally there are opportunistic bacteria that can attack the skin, respiratory tract, digestive tract, wounds, etc.  It only took four lines of text, but that is a lot of stuff these cats are faced with.  Keep in mind that indoor cats have susceptibility to a lot of these things as well.  Add to this the fact that outdoor cats have to avoid cars, keep warm, deal with fighting, watch out for predators, and still get their daily meals, find a spot to rest, and monitor their territory.  There is a lot to keep them busy.
Winterize your cat: be sure to deworm, get vaccinations updated, and test for FeLV (leukemia), FIV, and heartworm disease.  Put prevention on your cat to keep them safe from fleas.  I like Revolution and Profender, but there are other products that you can use.  If you use Revolution and Profender, you can protect against heartworms, fleas, hookworms, roundworms, and ear mites.  You can kill existing roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.  These products cover a lot of ground!  See you vet to discuss the situation with the cat for the upcoming months.  Remember that fleas are at their worst RIGHT NOW and fleas transmit tapeworms.  Get your cat tested for the common transmissible viruses and update vaccinations regularly.  These cats are in need of your support - provide more than just kibble for them to eat - keep them safe from all they face on a daily basis.  Thank you for caring!

Dr. Amy Hellard
West Chester Veterinary Care (WCVC)

Cats urinating outside the litter box

I so often hear stories about people's cats urinating outside their litter boxes.  This happens not only in my practice, but when I travel or meet people who discover that I am a vet.  There are some basic "rules" to follow when you are personally faced with this problem, and I will mention a few here.  Cats have not evolved over years and years to know house rules when it comes to going potty.  We are lucky that cats are generally fastidious and we take advantage of that.  However, a clean litter box is a must.  The cat will find a different place to go if the litter box only gets cleaned once a week.  Some cats refuse to use the box after only a day or two of non-cleaning.  The litter box has to be in the realm of the cats natural territory in the house.  Putting the box in the farthest back corner of the basement does not promote use.  Having one box for two or more cats to share is not enough.  Having two boxes side by side equates to one box in the cat's mind.  The box can't be too close to the food and water.  Some cats like to urinate on one type of substrate and defecate on another.  Some cats can't fit into the box provided.  Cats have great noses - the litter box should smell like a favorable place to go potty, but not like a field of flowers (scented litter is for the humans, not the cats).  Cats may be returning to a formerly soiled area due to the odor that persists.  Some cats develop the tendency to urinate outside their boxes as a result of a medical condition.  Others have behavioral problems that have been triggered by other stressors or changes in their lives.  
You are probably getting the picture now.  There can be many factors at play and frequently medical problems must be ruled-out before behavioral therapy can be initiated.  But no matter what the cause, the rules to follow are good ones and making a change may correct the problem.  Even better, fix the situation early before a problem develops.  

Dr. Amy Hellard
West Chester Veterinary Care (WCVC)

Dogs riding in the bed of the truck

Yesterday I saw a young dog riding in the back of a pickup truck.  Wow.  I just don't get it.  Are dogs disposable?  A dog has no awareness of how fast they are going or how high they are.  They do not have any way of understanding the level of danger of any given situation.  No one is sitting back there with the dog in an attempt to control their movement (it's against the law because it's too dangerous).  Even if they were, no training is foolproof.  Imagine the dog sees a bunny rabbit on the side of the road, or they are peering over the side with their front feet up when you drive over a big bump in the road, or they just decide they want out...
No, having them tied back there is not a solution.  Now we add hanging to the list of dangers.
If you travel with your dogs in this fashion or you know someone who does, please consider these things.  It takes only one fall out of the vehicle to end the dog's life.  Every time you travel this way, there is a 50/50 chance your dog will be in the back of the truck when you arrive at your destination.  Please help put an end to this bad habit through thoughtful consideration and discussion of the consequences. 

Dr. Amy's most recent CE: Class IV Laser Therapy

I have attended several CE courses in the past month.  The most recent was a discussion hosted by a laser manufacturer about the benefits of laser therapy.  Of course this leads to immediate skepticism: a lecture hosted by a company that wants me to purchase their product...
Nonetheless, I found the lecture intriguing and have continued to ponder the pros and cons.  Here is some basic information for you.  Class IV lasers are simply those lasers in a category that indicates the level of harm they can do.  These lasers, when used in practice, require that we wear a special type of eye protection.  They also have healing effects.  The therapy is supposed to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and speed up the healing process.  It can be used on wounds, fractures, abscesses, sprains, and dermatitis, just to name a few modalities.  The therapy is the result of energy interacting chemically and biologically with tissue.  This causes "photobiostimulation".  Lasers produce a single wavelength beam of light that is uniform (in "phase").  It penetrates deeply into tissue to produce changes at the cellular level.  The lecture stated that pain is reduced through affecting stimulation thresholds and essentially reducing pain perception.  Inflammation is reduced by decreasing the body's production of inflammatory mediators as well as dilating lymphatics and helping to eliminate fluid build up.  Healing is said to speed up though vasodilation (increased blood flow) as well as stimulation of new cell infiltration. 
Further research is needed and there is still only anecdotal reporting on the benefits of this laser therapy.  I have not yet seen a scientific study in a peer reviewed journal.  I will continue to keep a watch on the development of this new modality and will let you know if it proves beneficial and useful.

Obesity management and probiotics in pets

A few days ago I attended a symposium where the topics of obesity and probiotics were discussed.  It was an informative set of lectures.  Let me give you a few facts relating to these subjects.
Obesity in dogs is a primary precursor to torn ligaments in the knees of dogs.
The surgery to correct the torn ligament can be done a few ways, but arthritis will absolutely be a factor for the affected pet.
One of the primary modalities to address knee problems is weight loss.
Fat releases pro-inflammatory hormones.
The digestive tract is an important player in the body's immune defense system.
Probiotics are live cultures of bacteria that promote proper digestive function.
Probiotics typically resolve diarrhea through regulation of the population of bacteria in the gut.

Nail Trimming 101

I used to have a dog that would chew his own nails so that we wouldn't have to cut them!  He hated having his nails cut!  Sometimes, though, we had to help him keep up with the job.  We can all benefit from knowing how to properly cut our pet's nails.  We have added a video to our website that shows how to trim a dog's nails and it can also be found on YouTube.  YouTube video  A cat's nail trimming is essentially the same.  It is actually easier, if you can get your kitty to hold still and cooperate!  But that's another story. 
Keep in mind that as you get near the "quick" (the blood vessel) the nerve sensitivity increases and there is a pinching sensation that some pets anticipate will be worse than it actually is.  Be sure to go slow and try not to cut the nails back too far.  This will help your pet build trust in your ability and minimize fear of the procedure.

Arthritis in pets

Arthritis is a common problem in our pet dogs and cats.  In fact, many of our senior pets suffer from arthritis pain to some degree, whether they indicate it to us, or not.  Degenerative joint disease is the number one cause of chronic pain in dogs and cats.  I will give a brief review of some of the medications available to us to help ease our pet's pain.  Remember that a "multi-modal" approach works best - that is, use several pain medications and they will work better than one single medication.  I often prefer to diagnose arthritis pain though a trial treatment period.  It works like this, we may suspect arthritis pain, so we can prescribe a short course of medications and assess our pet's response to that treatment.
Slow-acting medications can take weeks to months to exert their effect.  I like to use these in early-onset of stiffness.  Some are even added to the dog food these days.  These meds are nutritional supplements.  They work well when combined with anti-inflammatory medications.  They include glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, omega three fatty acids, MSM, as well as anti-oxidants and free radical scavengers.  I use a lot of glucosamine and fatty acids in my practice and have found them to be very helpful.
Fast-acting medications include Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, analgesics that are not anti-inflammatory, and Adequan injections (though this is in a category all its own).  Some common names of  medications are carprofen (rimadyl, novox), deracoxib (deramaxx), meloxicam (metacam), prednisone, and tramadol to name a few.  You may have heard of some of these and also used them in the past.  These work great in cases of fast-onset or injury.  They are also nice additives to the supplements when more relief is needed.
Remember to consult with your vet about any and all medications that your pet is taking so the most effective plan for pain management can be implemented.  Some of these medications also require blood monitoring, but this should be discussed on a case-by-case basis.   

Dr. Amy Hellard
West Chester Veterinary Care (WCVC)

National Poison Prevention Week

National Poison Prevention Week is March 17-23.  In an effort to raise awareness of common household items that can poison your pets, I have decided to share some of the ASPCA (the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) guidelines.
*Keep all drugs out of your pets' reach in closed cabinets. Painkillers, cold medicines, antidepressants, vitamins and diet pills can be lethal to animals, even in small doses.
*Never give your pets medication unless you are directed to do so by a veterinarian. Human medicine is not for pets.
*Always read the label before dispensing medication. Some flea products for dogs can be deadly if given to cats. 

Thousands of cats and dogs needlessly suffer and many die each year by accidental ingestion of household poisons, including popular houseplants and common foods.

"Most pet owners simply do not know that small amounts of chocolate, onions, macadamia nuts and bread dough can be dangerous," comments Dr. Steve Hansen, Senior Vice President of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. "Many cats are poisoned in the spring from plants including daffodils and lilies. A cat that eats an Easter lily will die unless it receives prompt medical attention," says Hansen. The ASPCA advises cat owners to pay special attention to the plants in their homes, since cats have the ability to jump onto tabletops and windowsills. Other common houseplants such as philodendron, dieffenbachia, cyclamen, corn stalk plants, sago palms and bird of paradise all contain toxins and are dangerous if ingested by animals.

The hotline number is 1-888-4-ANI-HELP and the website is

Winter Weather Tips for Dogs

Winter is the time we truly notice how frequently our dogs go outside each day.  They remind us of this fact every time they come back into the house, along with the mud or snow they just tracked in!  Here are a couple of tips on how to cope with these problems.  1. Lukewarm water washing - this works great for mud as well as ice.  Leave a small shallow bucket of water in your mud room, just inside your back door, or in your garage.  When your pup returns with ice balls between his toes or muddy feet, dunk each foot into the bucket then dry with an old towel.  If your dog objects to this at first, repetition and persistence will win out.  Be sure to have you dog on leash or have a helper when "dunking" at first to minimize mess.  2. Dry towel wiping - this is simply an easier version of the first suggestion - use an old bath towel to wipe your dog's feet when he returns with snow on his feet or wet feet.  Practice makes perfect - keep training foot handling and the house will stay clean!